Welcome to all of you NEW subscribers to the 2022 “Diamonds & Drama Queens” Block-of-the-Month program!
I’m delighted that you’ve decided to join the Diamonds & Drama Queens adventure in 2022. It’s been such fun these past few months meeting quiltmakers from around the world and creating the designs. I can’t wait to meet you and get started on next year’s patterns.
The program kicks off in January and runs through December. Below is an overview of what to expect, a list of frequently asked questions, and details on how you can increase your chances of winning one of the drawing prizes. (Hint: invite your Best Quilting Buddies to join you!)
Monthly Pattern Release — Each month I’ll publish a downloadable PDF file of the newest pattern on the first Wednesday of the month at 8 AM (Eastern) on our private page on my website. You can choose from 4 different sizes: 6”, 9”, 12” and 18”. I’ll announce the release in an email to you that morning and share the URL to the private web page.

Live Zoom Presentation Same Day — I’ll host a live Zoom meeting that same day the pattern is available at 10 AM (Eastern) and again at 9 PM (Eastern). Join the Zoom session that works best for you. I’ll share the presentation about the gem and its story during these sessions.
Some members like the convenience of having a meeting invitation on their calendar with all the Zoom info in one place, so I’ll send out meeting invitations via Outlook in mid-December. You can simply choose the meeting you wish to attend, but you don’t have to. You can just show up! 😊
- Recordings Available Next Day — The video of the presentation will be uploaded the next day to our private web page the next day for those who weren’t able to join us for the live Zoom meeting. (Again, I’ll announce the release of the recorded presentation in an email and send the URL to the private web page for your convenience.)
- Live Zoom Mid-Month Meet-Up – I’ll host another round of live Zoom meetings the third Wednesday of each month for you to share your progress, celebrate one another’s successes, and chat about what other projects you might be working on. These meetings will take place at 10 AM (Eastern) and 9 PM (Eastern). These sessions won’t be recorded.

Frequently Asked Questions:
Where can I find freezer paper to print out the patterns?
a. From Me (for US residents only) – If you are a US resident, you can purchase 50-sheet packs of freezer paper on my online shop. This is a perfect number of sheets for members who want to make the 12” blocks (4 sheets per month for 12 months). If you prefer to make the 18” blocks, two packs will give you all the sheets you need to print out the 8 sections for all 12 months. CLICK HERE to purchase or past the link below in your browser. https://mjkinman.com/product/freezer-paper-packs-50-sheets/
b. From Your Local Independent Quilt Store – Many independent quilt stores carry freezer paper from sources such as C&T Publishing and C. Jenkins.
c. From eQuilter.com or Your Favorite Online Retailer – Online retailers such as eQuilter.com and the Fat Quarter Shop carry freezer paper packs from C&T Publishing and C. Jenkins. This is a great solution for members who live outside the United States.
d. Make Your Own Sheets Using Store–Bought Freezer Paper — In some areas, you can find freezer paper made by producers such as Reynolds in your grocery aisle. However, I’ve recently learned that Canadians are not longer able to buy in the grocery stores. If you do decide to make your own 8 1/2” x 11” sheets, please be sure to purchase freezer paper. Wax paper and parchment paper will not work for this technique.
I have a laser printer at home. Can I still participate in the program? Yes! There is indeed another solution. You can print the patterns on regular copy paper, cut out the pieces, and attach them to the wrong side of your fabric with a strip of double-sided tape. I’ll review this technique in a tutorial video available in mid-December (2021).
I don’t have a home printer. Can I still participate? Yes! If you wish to print out the patterns at your local copy shop, you can use the same assembly technique that I briefly describe in the question above.
What fabric should I purchase for my blocks? I don’t plan on creating fabric kits for this program, because I’d love for you to make gems that are unique to you! However, each month I’ll provide several colorways to get your creative juices flowing, as well as suggested fabrics for each from several fabric manufacturers: KONA, Moda, & Paintbrush Studio Fabrics.
Can I purchase gem blocks from the 2021 Diamonds & Drama Queens program? Yes! All 12 gem patterns from the 2021 Diamonds & Drama Queens program will be available beginning April 2022. I’ll send you an announcement (and most likely chat about it in our Zoom meetings) as the date draws near.
When will you announce the winners of the drawing? I will announce the winners of the drawing at our January Mid-Month Meet-Up Zoom session (Wednesday, January 19, 2022).
Is there a way I can improve my chances of winning one of the prizes? Invite your quilting buddies to join you! When one of your friends joins the program, I’ll add an extra entry for you into the drawing. So spread the word! Share with your BQF (Best Quilt Buddy), members of your sewing bee, or your entire guild. The more people who join you, the greater chance you have of winning one of the following prizes:
a. A free subscription – I’ll refund the price of the program back to the winner after the drawing.
b. A copy of “Unearthed: Surprising Stories Behind the Jewels” (by Jeffrey Edward Post) — This has become one of favorite gem books so far. It’s filled with stunning photos of the most beautiful gems in the world, as well as with great stories.
c. A 2.21-carat Citrine Gemstone – This gorgeous loose gemstone is nearly 1/4” from tip to tip. It glows a deep orange. It’s unheated which means that the color is completely natural.
You can share information about the program with your friends by sharing the link below:
Welcome to the fun! I’ll have more information for you next month. In the meantime, don’t hesitate to contact me if you have questions.

Be well and shine on!