
Mighty Magnus Sew-Along: Dilophosaurus

Carol Hatcher Dilophosaurus

Mighty Magnus Sew-Along: Dilophosaurus

Mighty Magnus Sampler Quilt Dilophosaurus
Mighty Magnus Sampler Quilt Dilophosaurus

Piecing Dilophosaurus

Hi, Friends!

Finally! I’m back to our wonderful Mighty Magnus blocks after two weeks of racing toward other project deadlines. (I’ll tell you a little bit about that later in this post.) I’d like to recommend that we extend our Sew-Along time by another two weeks to make up that time. Sound good to you?

But first, how are your Dilophosaurus blocks coming?

I took my EPP box full of Dilo fabric, pattern, and tools to Tellico Village where I taught earlier this month, as well as to Edisto Island where we spent a few days after the teaching gig. I must admit I lounged more than I stitched. Yet, I was able to get a few pieces sewn together. This eye area of this block was a bit tricky, but I managed to put it together. The whole block isn’t yet done, but I am committed to getting it finished. Then I’ll backtrack to the traditional pieced version.

Beach 1 1
Beach 2

Let me show you some of the work of our fellow dino adventurers, Carol and Jody (with their permission, of course). Carol continues to create high-energy blocks with the cool graphic fabrics. And look at Judy’s group! I think she has her blocks all completed. Great job, Judy!

Carol Hatcher Dilophosaurus
Carol’s Wonderfully Wild Dilophosaurus
IMG 1694 003
Jody’s Darling Dilophosaurus (and her Triceratops & Stegosaurus, too!)

Send Me YOUR Dino Pictures

Last time I posted, I asked you to send me images of your finished blocks. The offer still stands. I’d love to have you send me images of your dino blocks so that I can post them in a future blog. If you’re interested, please attach your image to an email and send it to me at [email protected]. Could you also write in the body of the email that you give me permission to post on my blog? Looking forward to receiving your email!

My Recent Projects

Meanwhile, let me share with you what I’ve been working on these past two weeks. These are the projects that have taken center stage in my life and have pushed other projects to the back burner temporarily.

New Class for Creative Spark

Most of September was devoted to planning, taping and editing nearly 20 instructional videos for a new class that I’ve created in collaboration with the amazing Becky Goldsmith. Creative Spark is C&T Publishing’s new online teaching platform for individual quiltmakers who want to learn all kinds of techniques at their own pace.

The class project is called “Spring Bling” and features one of my giant center gem medallions and Becky’s applique border patterns. The class is an on-demand class, meaning you can sign up whenever you want and work through the modules at your leisure. It was wonderful working with Becky, a master quiltmaker who has been teaching people how to quilt for 30 years. You can check out our class — and sign up! — by clicking HERE. You can also check out a 1-minute video I created explaining the class…click on the far-right image below to view.

AZ8YdKSlRq6t5uxFQbX3 Goldsmith Kinman Bling Cover 02
MJ and Becky
Spring Bling MJs Finished Top
My Spring Bling Finished Top
Goldsmith Kinman Bling 12
CLICK THE IMAGE ABOVE to watch a description of the new class

…And Lots of New Classes For Guilds

This month has also involved lots of planning for next year’s classes and promos for the Global Quilt Connection, an online program that introduces guild leadership to travelling quilt teachers like me. I’ll be presenting a 15-minute demonstration of my techniques on Sunday, October 3rd. Click HERE to learn more.

Then on October 27th, a short video I created describing the 2022 class line-up will be broadcast along with 25+ other teachers’ offerings. Click HERE to learn more about signing up for those presentations. You can view the video below, too!

Click the PLAY button above to learn more about my upcoming classes.
Bite Size Gems Logo Jun 2021

Thanks, all! I hope you’re enjoying this gorgeous autumn and are working on many wonderful things. Be well and Shine On!