Piecing Triceratops
Hi, Friends!
We’ve arrived at our last dino of the series: Triceratops. This happy little guy wraps up our series.
How is your Triceratops block coming along?
Carol H. posted a picture of her Triceratops block finished with the fabulous marbled fabric she’s been using throughout the series. I love the rich color and value contrast in the print. I especially like how Carol paired the light value (gray) marble with the darker value (red) marble. It really makes the block pop.

And some of you are finishing the entire quilt top! Here are Carol and Sheilah’s fully pieced tops. Remember to share your image with me! I’d love to post them for the whole group.

I’m excited to get started on my Triceratops. I just need to clear a place on my quilt table and my calendar to work on it. My hope is that I can dive into the last block on Sunday afternoon. Meanwhile, here’s a look at what’s on my table right now.
Progress on the First Smithsonian Quilt
In between Mighty Magnus work and other projects, I’ve managed to (finally!) get to the point where I’m ready to start sewing on the first Smithsonian Series quilt: the Victoria-Transvaal Diamond. The VT is a giant cognac-colored diamond in the National Gem Collection. I’m taking some liberties with the color, though, and adding some blue-gray hues for visual contrast. I’m excited to finally be at this point!

making sure none have gone missing
Thanks, all! I hope you’re enjoying this gorgeous autumn and are working on many wonderful things. Be well and Shine On!