
Peridot Piece Plan

Click the button to the right to download a PDF file of the Piece Plan.

There Are Several Ways To Piece The Four Sections Of The Peridot Birthstone. This Is  Just One Of Them. Enjoy The Process!

(The Following Insructions Apply Only To Original Patterns That Do Not Have A “REVISION 9/2018” Notation On The Freezer Paper Pattern.)
Quick Correction To Peridot: Facets 3-16 And 4-11 Are Marked With The Incorrect Color Code. Both Of These Facets Should Be Marked G5 (Dark Forest Green). Please Be Sure To Make This Change To Both The Freezer Paper Pattern And The Regular Paper KEY Included In The Instruction Booklet. Thanks!

Section 1

  • Set 1-1 aside; we’ll come back to it in just a minute
  • Sew together 1-2 and and 1-3 (Creating Unit 2:3)
  • Sew together 1-1 and Unit 2:3 (Creating Unit 1:3)
  • Sew together Unit 1:3 and 1-4 (Creating Unit 1:4)
  • Sew together Unit 1:4 with 1-5 (Creating Unit 1:5)
  • Set Unit 1:5 aside; we’ll come back to it in just a minute
  • Sew together 1-6 and 1-7 (Creating Unit 6:7)
  • Sew together Unit 6:7 and 1-8 (Creating Unit 6:8)
  • Sew together 1-9 and 1-10 (Creating Unit 9:10)
  • Sew together Unit 9:10 and 1-11 (Creating Unit 9:11)

Now you can sew the following units together…

  • Sew together Unit 1:5 and Unit 6:8 (Creating Unit 1:8)
  • Sew together Unit 1:8 with Unit 9:11 (Creating Unit 1:11)
  • Use your fabric marking pencils to extend all hash marks on Unit 1:11 and 1-12 (the black background piece) from the freezer paper edge into the seam allowance
  • Clip seam allowance of 1-12 (background) at ¼” intervals to ease piecing
  • Remove all the freezer paper templates from the units (but only after you have marked your hash marks in the seam allowance). This will help you to pin and sew the two sections much more easily.
  • Finally, sew 1-12 (the background) to Unit 1:11 by gently easing the black background fabric around the gentle curve of Unit 1:11, pinning generously

Section 2

  • Sew together 2-1, 2-2, 2-3, and 2-4 (Creating Unit 1:4)
  • Sew together 2-5, 2-6, and 2-7 (Creating Unit 5:7)
  • Set aside 2-8; we’ll return to it in a moment
  • Sew together 2-9, 2-10, and 2-11 (Creating Unit 9:11)
  • Sew together 2-8 and Unit 9:11 (Creating Unit 8:11)
  • Sew together Unit 8:11 and 2-12 (Creating Unit 8:12)
  • Sew together 2-13, 2-14, and 2-15 (Creating Unit 13:15)
  • Sew together 2-16 and 2-17 (Creating Unit 16:17)
  • Set aside 2-18 and 2-21; we’ll return to them in a moment
  • Sew together 2-19 and 2-20 (Creating Unit 19:20)
  • Sew together Unit 19:20 and 2-21 (Creating Unit 19:21)
  • Sew together 2-18 and Unit 19:21 (Creating Unit 18:21)
  • Sew together 2-22 and Unit 18:21 (Creating Unit 18:22)
  • Sew together 2-23 and 2-24 (Creating Unit 23:24)
  • Sew together Unit 23:24 and 2-25 (Creating Unit 23:25)
  • Set aside 2-26 (black background); we’ll return to it in a moment

Now you can sew the following units together…

  • Sew together Unit 1:4 and 5:7 (Creating Unit 1:7)
  • Sew together 1:7 and Unit 8:12 (Creating Unit 1:12)
  • Sew together Unit 13:15 and Unit 16:17 (Creating Unit 13:17)
  • Sew together Unit 18:22 and Unit 23:25 (Creating Unit 18:25)
  • Sew together Unit 13:17 and Unit 18:25 (Creating Unit 13:25)
  • Sew together Unit 1:12 and Unit 3:25 (Creating Unit 1:25)
  • Use your fabric marking pencils to extend all hash marks on Unit 1:25 and 2-26 (the black background piece) from the freezer paper edge into the seam allowance
  • Clip seam allowance of 2-26 (background) at ¼” intervals to ease piecing
  • Remove all the freezer paper templates from the units (but only after you have marked your hash marks in the seam allowance). This will help you to pin and sew the two sections much more easily.
  • Finally, sew 2-26 (the background) to Unit 1:25 by gently easing the black background fabric around the gentle curve of Unit 1:25, pinning generously

Section 3

  • Sew together 3-1 and 3-2 (Creating Unit 1:2)
  • Set aside 3-3; we’ll return to it in a moment
  • Sew together 3-4, 3-5, and 3-6 (Creating Unit 4:6)
  • Set aside 3-7; we’ll return to it in a moment
  • Sew together 3-8 and 3-9 (Creating Unit 8:9)
  • Sew together 3-10 and 3-11 (Creating Unit 10:11)
  • Sew together 3-12 and 3-13 (Creating Unit 12:13)
  • Sew together Unit 12:13 and 3-14 (Creating Unit 12:14)
  • Sew together 3-15 and 3-16 (Creating Unit 15:16)
  • Sew together 3-17 to Unit 15:16 (Creating Unit 15:17)
  • Sew together 3-18 and 3-19 (Creating Unit 18:19)
  • Set aside 3-20 (black background); we’ll return to it in a moment

Now you can sew the following units together…

  • Sew together 3-3 and Unit 4:6 (Creating Unit 3:6)
  • Sew together Unit 1:2 and Unit 3:6 (Creating Unit 1:6)
  • Sew together 3-7 and Unit 8:9 (Creating Unit 7:9)
  • Sew together Unit 7:9 and Unit 10:11 (Creating Unit 7:11)
  • Sew together Unit 7:11 and Unit 12:14 (Creating Unit 7:14)
  • Sew together Unit 7:14 and Unit 15:17 (Creating Unit 7:17)
  • Sew together Unit 7:17 and Unit 19:19 (Creating Unit 7:19)
  • Sew together Unit 1:6 and Unit 7:19 (Creating Unit 1:19)
  • Use your fabric marking pencils to extend all hash marks on Unit 1:19 and 3-20 (the black background piece) from the freezer paper edge into the seam allowance
  • Clip seam allowance of 3-20 (background) at ¼” intervals to ease piecing
  • Remove all the freezer paper templates from the units (but only after you have marked your hash marks in the seam allowance). This will help you to pin and sew the two sections much more easily.
  • Finally, sew 3-20 (the background) to Unit 1:19 by gently easing the black background fabric around the gentle curve of Unit 1:19, pinning generously

Section 4

  • Sew together 4-1 and 4-2 (Creating Unit 1:2)
  • Sew together 4-3 and 4-4 (Creating Unit 3:4)
  • Sew together 4-5 and 4-6 (Creating Unit 5:6)
  • Sew together 4-7 to Unit 5:6 (Creating Unit 5:7)
  • Sew together 4-8, 4-9, and 4-10 (Creating Unit 8:10)
  • Sew together 4-11 and 4-12 (Creating Unit 11:12)
  • Set aside 4-13 (black background); we’ll return to it in a moment

Now you can sew the following units together…

  • Sew together Unit 1:2 and Unit 3:4 (Creating Unit 1:4)
  • Sew together Unit 1:4 and Unit 5:7 (Creating Unit 1:7)
  • Sew together Unit 1:7 and Unit 8:10 (Creating Unit 1:10)
  • Sew together Unit 1:10 and Unit 11:12 (Creating Unit 1:12)
  • Use your fabric marking pencils to extend all hash marks on Unit 1:12 and 4-13 (the black background piece) from the freezer paper edge into the seam allowance
  • Clip seam allowance of 4-13 (background) at ¼” intervals to ease piecing
  • Remove all the freezer paper templates from the units (but only after you have marked your hash marks in the seam allowance). This will help you to pin and sew the two sections much more easily.
  • Finally, sew 4-13 (the background) to Unit 1:12 by gently easing the black background fabric around the gentle curve of Unit 1:12, pinning generously
  • Sew together Section 1 and 2 (upper half of the block)
  • Sew together section 3 and 4 (lower half of the block)
  • Now sew both halves together along the central seam, being careful to match the point at which the edge of the Peridot meets the black background. If the points don’t align, adjust the seams within the gemstone to ease in or let out fabric accordingly.

Birthstone Series Resources

Click on the name of the gemstone below for a listing of its Piece Plan. The Piece plan is a step-by-step guide to help you piece each facet together in a strategic way to ensure that your block fits together perfectly.