Welcome to
My World Of Gems…

When people ask
me what I do,
I like to tell them
“I make the biggest diamonds in the world…
But instead of using the hardest substance on earth, I use the softest — cloth.” – MJ Kinman, Textile Artist

Original Artwork
Years ago, an image of a lovely crystal arrived in my mailbox. That little gem not only caught my attention, it grabbed hold of my soul. In doing so, it launched a journey that has enriched my life. May you experience as much joy in viewing them as I have had in creating them. For the gems that are still available, the price is noted in the details. These are original pieces created by textile artist MJ Kinman.

For Quilt Artists & Shops
It’s my pleasure to share with you my passion for light and color through classes, events, and now my new line of patterns, fabric, and publications. I have designed my patterns so that even a “confident beginner” quilt artists can create sparkling gemstones using the same techniques I use to create my giant gem portraits.
MJ has been featured in….
- Patchwork Professional (Germany) (March 2021)
- American Quilter (March 2021)
- Quiltfolk (Issue #12; October 2019)
- The Quilt Show with Alex Anderson & Ricky Tims (March 2019)
- McCall’s Quilting Magazine (Jan/Feb 2019)
- World Diamond Magazine (Winter 2019)
- Schmetz Inspired To Sew #62 (Jan 2019)
- Quilting Arts Magazine (Aug/Sept 2017)
- France Patchwork Magazine (June 2018)
- Online Quilting Magazine (June 2018)
- Make Modern Magazine (July 2018)
- Quilting Arts TV (air dates 2018)
- Sulky® Featured Artist Profile (2018)
- Create Whimsy online magazine (2018)